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Building a more inclusive pipeline of candidates
Building a more inclusive pipeline of candidates
Written by Hannah
Updated over 5 months ago

Did you know that 67% of candidates consider a diverse workforce an important factor when evaluating companies and job offers? Your business will be more attractive to candidates if your workforce is representative of different groups with varying backgrounds and perspectives.

From opening the advert to making an offer

Writing and posting your job advert

  • Clarify between desirable and necessary requirements. Candidates from under-represented backgrounds are less likely to apply for roles where they feel they won’t meet all the listed requirements.

  • Our data suggests that each section on the job card should have no more than six, high quality, company specific bullet points

  • Demonstrate equitable pay by sharing public salary (you can also hide the salary on our platform to boost matches, and convert more quality candidates, without advertising a specific banding)

  • Showcase all of your benefits and more about them. For example, what does flexible working actually look like?

Remember, on the platform, candidates are being matched to your job due to matched experience level, job function and (if added) salary. Use your job cards to nail what makes the job unique to your organisation and what is needed in the role.

Reviewing Applications

  • Some companies run a headhunting sprint before opening a role for inbound applications. This ensures you have enough representation within your pipeline from the outset.

  • Aim for at least 30% representation of underrepresented candidates in your pipeline

  • Track progress to see where you may have drop off at each stage


  • Invest time in creating structured interviews with the same questions for every candidate. Aim to have two people run the post-screening interviews using scorecards that the other can’t see. This will reduce bias in the process.

  • Rate candidates immediately after the interview against your scorecard criteria before you forget

  • Hire for value fit, not ‘culture’ fit. What skills or personality types are you currently missing in your organisation? What do you need more of, or less of? Hiring is a great opportunity to diversity all aspects of your teams!

  • Compare final candidates against each other by reviewing scores. This keeps the process fair.


  • Don’t ask about salary expectations as some candidates, especially women, will present a figure around 15% under market value. Instead, review the candidate’s salary against internal benchmarking and the wider business to present a fair offer from the outset. If you do this, candidates will appreciate it

  • Give candidates time to consider the offer and follow-up in writing with a breakdown of all the details

If you're looking for strategic support on building a more inclusive hiring process, attracting more diverse talent and even understanding how you perform for roles against competitors, get in touch with your Customer Success Manager (Pro and Advanced, only). Or get in touch with our sales team to learn more.

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